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Albert Chong,
Tenured Professor & Distinguished Artist
Boulder, CO
"I have known Mr. Baxter for about [three] years, and I first met him when he was a student in one
of my photography classes. I found Jeremy to be diligent, motivated and very earnest student.
He was in the top percentile of the class and exhibited leadership qualities in his interaction
with his classmates. His work showed good potential and he has continued to progress in his art
production. He is a well-rounded art student who has taken classes in many different mediums
and art disciplines..."
"I saw an exhibition of Jeremy's work last year in the Department of Art & Art History. These
works were large photographs relating to his political view and frustration about the state of the
country. I was quite impressed with his art and the message he was conveying..."
"I fully support Jeremy's passion for art and music, and I give him my unreserved
Maxwell Faust,
Professional Musician,
Denver, CO
"Jeremy Baxter’s work speaks to the chaos of the modern world. His early photography of punk concerts shows the grotesque nature of the event in a highly detailed manner. His compositions manage to express the chaotic sea of the crowd in a way that brings the viewers eye into the picture to see detailed veracity occurring. This speaks to Jeremy’s patience as an artist.
Another example of his patience is his hand drawn posters which express the mood of the event all while maintaining his originality and style.
Some of his best work is his hardware DJ abilities which must be experienced first hand to truly understand. He is phenomenal at starting the set with a single simple sound and growing it into a complicated orchestra of synthetic noise all before stripping it back to a simple beat. The way his beats cycle in a controlled chaotic manner is something to witness. Jeremy Baxter, an agent of chaos, consistently becomes a notable figure in any scene he takes part in. "
Nara Telsa,
Professional Musician,
Denver, CO
"Sometimes the easy way is the wrong way. While most DJs have dug them self inside the “box,” Bax explores the hardware that created electronic music. With only willpower and consistency Jeremy created a music scene in one the most barren music environments in America, Denver. Handling all the logistics from flyer to lineup, Baxter created events that pushed people outside. Now in the city of stars Jeremy has the world in the palm of their hands!"
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